wemento.krWimento responsive homepage production l Shopping mall production l Application productionPC + mobile web + mobile app shopping mall function (Naver Pay/Naver Knowledge Shopping/Daum Shopping) integrated linkageHigh quality production at a reasonable price with 11 years of experience producing over 5,000 pieces!A mobile web that perfectly syncs with PC web pages, a responsive web with screens optimized for all devices, and a mobile app function that eliminates the inconvenience of finding a site by searching on a portal site every time.Marketing Optimization HomepageIt is optimized to increase website visit rates through web document optimization, web search optimization, Naver Webmaster Tool, Naver Syndication, and Google Webmaster Tool integration.Powerful dynamic function supportProvides easy and convenient administrator mode including design management, member management, post management, menu management, access statistics, and keyword inflow statistics management.Join us with Wimento.Inquiry number: 02-1800-2142Email inquiry:
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